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Newborn Baby

Baby Naming Ceremony

The birth of a baby is the most magical moment for expecting parents!

For centuries, baby naming has also been very closely associated with religious ceremonies. 


However, secular or interfaith families, that have merged in their partnership different religious and cultural backgrounds, may wish to mark the naming of their child in a different way, one that truly reflects their way of life.

As a non-denominational and Independent Celebrant I am able to work with parents and families and create a Baby Naming Ceremony that truly reflects their vision, culture, beliefs. 


Having a Naming Ceremony is a wonderful way to welcome your children into the family in a setting that is comfortable to you.

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Baby Cookies

Symbolic Ceremonies

Beautiful rituals have been part of ceremonies across the world for centuries and some have evolved and adapted through times and cultures.  
You may be familiar with some that form part of your cultural heritage and you may feel it important to include them in your ceremony. Some totally transcend cultures and are simply beautifully representative of love, unity, growth.
I have listed below a few that you may wish to use as inspiration for your day. There are many more and in fact you may know of some that I am not familiar with! Of course do not forget that together we can create one just for you!

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Unity Candle

This very traditional ceremony represents the fire of love burning forever

The parents, with their family and the Guide parents, light a candle beside a pillar candle that represents their child.  After the the naming of the baby, the parents, Guide parents, grandparents and siblings light up the pillar candle.

A closeup shot of a couple's hand burning candles.jpg
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Sand Blending

This beautiful ceremony represents blending of individuals and everlasting unity. This ceremony is very special for couples welcoming their newborn baby into the family.  Parents can include siblings, grandparents and of course Guide parents in this beautiful moment. Together they can choose a different colour of sand and one by one, or together, blend them into the same vessel. 

Sand cannot be separated and this is a beautiful representation of an everlasting bond.

Planting a Tree


Planting a tree in the garden, or in a pot, is a beautiful way to symbolise continuing to grow stronger together.  The tree represents the baby growing into an adult.  It’s roots representing the deep connection and love of the family. Its branches, leaves and blossoms representing life ahead.

The happy newlyweds planting a tree near the waterfall and a little boy sitting on the l
Baby Naming: Features

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Choose a Celebrant-led Baby Naming ceremony?

 For centuries, baby naming has been associated with religious ceremonies such as Christening. However, many families may wish to choose a secular ceremony. Many might have merged in their partnership different religious or cultural backgrounds and feel that they may not be sure of how to blend different religious, secular or spiritual components to mark the naming of their child in a way that truly represents their values and beliefs as a family. 

As a non-denominational and Independent Celebrant I am able to work with parents and families to create a Baby Naming Ceremony that truly reflects their vision, culture, values and needs.

A Celebrant-led ceremony will allow you to weave into the celebrations exactly what you wish for. Fully  bespoke, it will be a tue reflection of who you are as a family. 

Can we have God parents in a naming  ceremony?

The short answer is yes!  However, in secular ceremonies the role is referred to as Guide parents. A religious ceremony marks the beginning of life and the beginning of the jouney of faith. A Celebrant-led ceremony, will focus on welcoming the child and the committment of the parents, Guide parents and the family to support their child through life. 


Can we add religious content into a Naming Ceremony?

For a Naming Ceremony it is entirely the personal choice of the parents as to whether any religious content, from any faith, is included at any point. This could include singing a hymn, reading a religious text or including a symbolic act.

Where can we hold the Baby Naming ceremony?

Anywhere you wish! Clearly for private properties you will need the owners permission. Many families choose their home or garden. Others often choose venues that offer child safe environment as traditionally these ceremonies include other children.

How do you choose your Celebrant?

Having an initial meeting with a Celebrant will be key for you to assess if he/she is one to whom you will feel able to entrust the task of creating the perfect ceremony for you. As your Celebrant I commit to supporting you fully in creating and delivering a unique and bespoke ceremony that fully meets your values, desires and needs. As your Celebrant I will be there to support you, answer all your questions, meet with you as often as needed  and make you feel that you are in safe hands.


How long does a ceremony last?

As your Celebrant I will guide you through the required planning for the ceremony.  It is vital that every ceremony has a clear structure  and that the right amount of time is allocated. For Baby Naming Ceremonies, structure is vital to ensure that the needs of children and adults are fully catered for. The choice is entirely yours! â€‹â€‹


How long in advance do I need to book?

For Baby Naming ceremonies I require at least six weeks notice. However, should you wish or need to organise your ceremony within a shorter period contact me to discuss. 



Every ceremony is different. However, I believe in keeping these matters simple and transparent. My fee for a Baby Naming Ceremony is £365.


Additional costs related to special props, long distance travel (> 40 miles), required overnight stays etc. will be discussed and agreed separately.

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